Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Black Tea Vanilla Macaroon

I must admit that I'm quite obsessed with this little french confectionery.. It's so beautiful to look at and also good to eat..Last Monday, I made these black tea vanilla macarons. The flavor combination of black tea and vanilla is so great. Unfortunately I was failed making the black tea butter cream filling, well instead of it, I used a simple vanilla butter cream with a few drops of honey and rhum..*happy :) *

I would love to use real vanilla beans for my baking, but I've found vanilla pods are not common here. It's ironic since Indonesia is one of the main producers of vanilla, but they are not available here in any supermarkets. The ones I used in this picture were bought somewhere in Bandung, and when I came back a couple of months ago to buy some more, I found the stock is zero. Where can I get vanilla pods then? I know there are some vanilla plantations in West Java and North Sulawesi, but it seems once the pods are harvested, they are being exported to other countries. And what is left to us? Nothing... :(

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My macaroons....

Setelah beberapa kali mencoba dan diakhiri dengan kegagalan akhirnya saya berhasil juga mendapatkan "kaki" si macaroon.. Belum sempurna sih memang dan kyknya perlu latihan lagi mumpung saya punya stok putih telur yang banyak..hehehe...

Kali ini saya mencoba membuat green tea macaroon yang dikasi filling-nya cream time rasanya lebih cocok kalo isi macaroon ini pake mascaporne cheese deh..I think it will taste better..

Berhubung saya penggemar coklat, chocolate macaroon ini paling saya suka karena the chocolate really goes well with the sweetness of macaroon..
Peer berikutnya nyoba bikin macaroon dengan teknik italian meringue method for a better texture plus variasi this macaroon!